Monday, December 4, 2006

what a lyf, i have....i know everything is a trial for us so that every single person who is willing to live his/her lyf much easier and happier...we should be able to pass these kinds of trials but how about trials in our lovelyf?we fall in love with someone, we are stable to go with and be with but do you think you only fall in love because of those aspects that completes your friendship?no...i believe that we fall for someone bacause of the feeling that comes from the inside, that inside is our heart,our heart triggers us to love someone we like.someone told me that if you want to love with all your heart, you should use your head and you dont only use your feelings from your heart but instead you use them both and with the same percentage...for love is to use your heart and only use your brain when answering those questions your heart cannot answer anymore.I know the feeling when you are in love and inspired and i know also the feeling when you are downed...i really dont wanna feel that kind of feeling because it makes me sad and tired of doing things that were once you are excited.i keep on asking myself, why can't she appreciate those things that i tend to order to make her feel my love for her...maybe because i approached her in a joke or in a way that makes me funny or unbelievable...but for me my only reason on telling her why i love her is because i want her to feel how much i really love her, i dont care if she'll answer me or not..but i just really want her to feel how much i love her...another question in my mind is we love because we are tend to or do we love because we really love that person?i, myself thinks that to love is to fall for another person not because she is beautiful, because she is rich or because you just want to have a relationship...but because i really love her and when problems or trials occur, both of us can stand all of it and will not surrender...and for me that what love is.....the lovelace...*__*